Handpans - C# Amara 9 notes : (C#)/ G# A B C# D# E F# G#
Handpans - C# Amara
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Handpans - C# Amara
One of the most popular scales, popularized by Sam Maher and AsaChan, C# AmaRa is a joyful scale that can be played from the heart
Comes with a free waterproof padded soft-case!
Handcrafted in India!
9 Notes : (C#)/ G# A B C# D# E F# G#
Each tone-field has Fundamental + Octave + Twelfth (Fifth over octave) within 10 cents of each note
Cinder (Ember) Stainless steel
21.65" x 21.65" x 11.02"
11.02 lbs