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DNA 528 - Unweighted, Tuning Forks - Biosonics

DNA 528 - Unweighted

  • The DNA tuning fork is also the frequency of 528.
    There are many claims about this tuning fork and we, at Biosonics, have been very thorough in our investigation of this fork, as we don’t want to make claims that we can not stand by and support as being true. We have not found any scientific research that supports the claim that this exact frequency repairs DNA,  however, we do believe, based on our research into Nitric Oxide and the ability for enzymes found in Wheat Grass to repair DNA that there may be a strong link between DNA repair and a range of frequencies which could include 528 cps. There needs to be more research to make the DNA repair claim. Good imagery and visualization combined with the 528 forks will enhance your nervous, immune, and circulatory systems which will lead to a more stable environment for DNA replication. This we have done research on.  So, it makes sense that it would bring beauty to your skin.

    Some people say that the 528 cps is the frequency of love. Love is an intention coming from the heart. When a mother sings a lullaby to her baby they may not sing in the tune of anywhere near the frequency of the 528. It does not matter. The sound will carry their intention of love and healing. Therefore, the 528 forks, when used in this context can carry the vibration of love and healing the mother brings to it.

  • Weight : 0.19lbs

    Dimension : 5.5" x 5" x 0.25"

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